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Top 4 Masoor Dal Brands: Discover Why They’re Best

When you think of starchy foods, you don’t necessarily imagine foods rich in nutrients and benefits for the body. However, Masoor Dal, which is part of the legume family, is indeed a starchy food. This is a part of the main course for Indians worldwide and is enjoyed in almost every meal of an Indian household. Not only the taste, you will also get amazing benefits from this item. Do you know what the health benefits of Masoor dal are, how Masoor dal benefits us, and in what ways we can make good use of it?

Masoor dal is a lentil without peel and comes in red-orange. It has high nutritional value. It is rich in minerals and protein. Along with this, it is worth being a part of a healthy diet due to its high fiber and low-fat content. Therefore, visit Earthy Tales for the best-quality masoor dal order and start incorporating this food into your daily food chart. More than ever, we have chosen to highlight the quality and innovation of our products.

According to Ayurveda, Masoor dal is also a great herb. It cures many diseases. Here the benefits of Masoor dal are described so that you can understand. Let us know.

Masoor Dal Whole

The Benefits Of Organic Coral Lentils- Quality Product At An Affordable Price

Rich in fibre

Its high fiber content allows a feeling of satiety and makes you feel full more quickly. It is a perfect ally for vegetarian diets because lentils are rich in iron and protein.

Antioxidant power

They are rich in nutrients that are part of the flavonoid family, and rich in antioxidants. They would be particularly beneficial in the fight against cholesterol or premature aging of cells.

Cardiovascular disease prevention

These legumes have a high content of magnesium or folic acid, which helps take care of your heart. As a reminder, cardiovascular diseases can be a consequence of obesity but also be a comorbidity associated with it.

A perfect teammate to stay fit

Eating coral lentils allows you to reach satiety more quickly and therefore avoid hunger pangs and snacks during the day. To complete the category of benefits for the body, these have a high content of vegetable proteins, and vitamin B1 and are low in fat. They therefore constitute an ideal food during a diet or rebalancing.

To get all of these benefits, you have to visit the website of Earthy Tales for masoor dal order. Daily we track new ORGANIC brands to adapt to your needs and distribute a wide choice of grocery products, fresh, bulk, etc.

Discover The Benefits Of The Top 4 Masoor Dal Brand Which You Must Know

Before buying any kind of food, you should know the brand. Branded products contain many super healthy ingredients that we don’t get in normal packaged food. Here we are discussing about 4 best-quality masoor dal brands that everyone should buy. Let’s read:

1. Specialities of “STAR BRAND” masoor dal:

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), we should consume 20 g of fiber every day. Cooked lentils from the STAR brand have excellent fibre content: around 8 g per 100 g. And when we look more closely at their composition, we discover that lentils are made up of soluble fiber, which prevents cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and insoluble fibre, which allows the proper functioning of intestinal transit.

In addition, If you buy coral lentils from this brand, it contain plenty of B vitamins (B9 and B3), and also minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. In addition to this, they are rich in antioxidants, which effectively fight against cholesterol and cell aging. Low in calories, they also help fight cravings thanks to their very low glycemic index. So many benefits that make it the star product on your plates!

2. Why Order Tata Sampann Masoor Dal Whole:

If you opt for Tata Sampann to buy the best quality masoor dal, then you have an outstanding choice, because their lentils are a real mine of nutrients! They have a significant contribution of vegetable proteins which is around 24%. To better assimilate these proteins, we advise you to consume them with grain products such as rice, soy, or quinoa, or to eat cashew nuts during the same meal.

In addition, Lentils are also rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. It is also a food that provides a lot of antioxidants, often cited to help our body fight against bad toxins. So, choose masoor dal from this brand and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

3. The Best Feature Of Rani Masoor Dal:

If you want to buy the best-quality and most affordable coral lentils which offer good digestion capacity all day long, you should definitely order Rani Masoor Dal. You can make various recipes from this item if you have a small intestinal disorder. Add to this the fibre content of lentils and you get a legume that helps with digestion. In fact, fiber encourages intestinal contractions and thus accelerates digestion.

Also, rich in minerals, such as Phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc can help to strengthen the skeleton. Coral lentils also provide antioxidants from the flavonoid and saponin family. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals and oxidative stress. They therefore help to preserve your cells. They are allies in the fight against aging and dry skin, and help you stay in good health.

4. Special Vedaka Premium Unpolished Red Masoor Dal Split:

The best-branded masoor dal, such as Vedaka Premium, is rich in vegetable proteins, so they are an excellent alternative to meat for people who follow a specific diet. Unlike green lentils, their fermentable carbohydrate content is lower. Furthermore, these dried vegetables are rich in fibre. They are therefore very digestible.

In addition, the Coral lentils from this brand are also rich in vitamin B1 and B9, but also in copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Finally, their masoor dal is a fantastic source of antioxidants that promote cell renewal and slow down aging.

Now the choice is up to you about which brand you like to buy. But before buying, it should be known that any coral lentil will go well with many foods: meats, sausages, fish, cereals, and vegetables, and can also be used in a sweet version! They can be cooked in salads, purees, soups, and in hot or simmered dishes. If you want to eat lentils, you can eat them in the evening or at lunch depending on your appetite! Therefore, mix the organic lentils with organic cold pressed mustard oil and live a healthier lifestyle.

Why Choose Earthy Tales As Your Organic Partner?

As a wholesaler, product quality and customer experience are at the heart of our priorities at Earthy Tales. With years of experience and commitment to the specialized organic network, we are a 100% independent wholesaler and expert in the distribution of organic products in New Delhi. Product quality and customer experience are at the heart of our priorities. Our goal is to offer you a wide range of products without compromising on their quality and values.

Therefore, start your healthy eating habits from TODAY!

About Earthy Tales

Founded in 2017 by Deepak Sabharwal, an ex-TATA, GE and Pepsi alumni, Earthy Tales is NCR’s most loved community led organic food brand, which works with organic farming communities to promote natural farming and city communities to increase awareness about Clean, Chemical free food.

Deepak quit his corporate life of 20 years to make our soils and food plate free of pesticides as Earthy Tales purpose. You can read his inspiring story on:


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